Saturday 26 March 2011

The men behind the weapons

I have decided to continue with my idea of using scientists famous for inventing weapons.

J. Robert Oppenheimer is famous for being the Director behind the Manhattan Project. He is also known as 'The father of the Atomic bomb'.

Also involved with the project was Albert Einstein.
After the first Atomic Bomb was detonated he was quoted saying, "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"

I would like to use his image in one of my works because he was involved with creating perhaps the most deadly weapon known to man.

"Don't shoot, I'm with the Science team. We're working hard on a new way to kill people."

The other scientist I may focus on is Alfred Nobel, Lord of Dynamite!

To some he was known as 'the merchant of death'

After reading this, Nobel was concerned about how he would be remembered. He left his fortune to the creation of the Nobel prize to celebrate science.

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