Saturday 26 March 2011

Analysing Banksy's style

This is an example of Banksy's stencil work.
The defining feature of the style is the use of only usually a maximum of 3 or 4 colours. This allows the piece to be completed quickly and simply. In this image he has used a base colour of black to get the main shape. Grey has then been used to add  highlight to define the image. This image also uses a skin tone to enhance the image along with a brown, used for the paper bag.

This style is effective as it creates visually striking work quickly.

The real work is in making the stencil. They would have to be huge for an image of this size. This is part of the magic behind street art. How is Banksy still anonymous considering he creates such huge art works!

Tomorrow I will experiment in photoshop to see if I cant create a similar effect.

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